♥ Dreamer says...

" The key to beauty is always to be looking at someone who loves you, really. "

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Mandarin is a very intimidating language. Especially for those who can't speak it or even understand the language for a pack of nuts.

People who know me well, should know that I SUCK at mandarin. My cantonese is just okay, but the latter? Cannot make it..

I bet you guys are just waiting for me to blog about this.

So I had my fair share of being the social outcast. I have been mixing with this bunch of girls from my class. They are pleasant girls. Infact, too pleasant for my liking. But thats not the point. The thing is, whenever they chit chat among themselves, they use mandarin as their medium of communication.

These chinese kids spit mandarin words out like a M16. Which I find, hard to understand...though I'm a chinese myself. It takes me quite some time to process those words into my thick head and to understand it properly. So I'll either end up staring at them dumbly or just focus my attention to my mobile and try to drown out the world.

Sounds kinda pethetic but I'll work my way around that problem. I mean, I'll be in that cina-fied college for the next 4 years. My fluency in chinese language is bound to get better along that period oh time. Hopefully...someway...somehow..

Anyway, I started my week on the wrong foot. Got stuck in an emotional pile. Drowned in doubts. But I'm thankful to those who were there for me =]

p.s : ignore the post below.


1 twinkling stars:

Li-Anne said...

Hey girl,

I guess it's normal in the college environment but hey! You still have us. I know we're not there at the same college but no doubt, you can always msg us!

I'm missing you dearly girl! Stay strong!!

Be the Sammie which I once knew. The crazy funny and hilarious Sammie!

Love you lots girl!! =)

Header image by sabrinaeras @ Flickr