Baby Nicole. Such an angel ^^

Selishia, Reiza and I.
I met Reiza through Selishia. They are in the same course. She's such a chatty bird. Love her to bits.

Picture taken in Pavilion.
Celebrated David's 19th birthday. Watched Transformers 2. Due to sucky seatings, I had a headache and a neckache after that.
the joy it brings =__=

Kok Fei and Emily

Emily and I
Had to skip accounts lecture today.
I'm down with fever. Started with a minor headache and now...the back of my neck is aching. A sign of fever.
Dear God,
Please let it be just a common fever instead of the deadly H1N1.
I swear I'll be good. Not that I've done anything bad lately, but you know..just in case karma's a bitch.
samantha ♥
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