♥ Dreamer says...

" The key to beauty is always to be looking at someone who loves you, really. "

Monday, November 23, 2009

Messed Up

I don't know why but this has been floating around my head...

For someone who is capable of hating a random girl on Myspace,
you can simply brush off the text message which I totally think DID blew you off?

Don't wanna dendam dendam la.
Don't wanna lose a friend just like that.

I don't think you're that kinda person to let it go THAT easily.
In fact, I don't really buy your words at all.
Don't even tell me that you still care about me.
When all you ever did was care for yourself and your damn boyfriend.

Speaking off your boyfriend. He is the most insulting and obnoxious and rude and sefl-centered guy that I have ever fucking met in my fucking life.

All I gotta say is,
Don't tell me that I am your friend when all
ever did was make a fool out of me.
Don't tell me how pathetic you are
when it was you who drove your friends away.

I can't always put the blame on you since I haven't been the greatest friend myself.
But atleast I stuck around despite the foolish-ness I felt.


4 twinkling stars:

Amanda said...

Well, the random girl on MySpace is, like you said random. She doesn't mean anything to her. Now it seems like you do. People change. To brush off that message takes a great deal of guts to do, like this post. I think she's trying to fix the problem between u both. Go figure.

sammy said...

i respect your judgement but i don't think i wanna put myself through that again.

Amanda said...

im not making a decision for you, just making the picture clearer, a neutral point of view. I know u know what's the best for you, and no matter what happens u hv me n anne. never forget that.

Li-Anne said...

I agree with Hanz! I guess she's just trying to fix both of your relationship up :)

And again Hanz is right, no matter what happens, you still have me and hanz! Remember that! =)

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