♥ Dreamer says...

" The key to beauty is always to be looking at someone who loves you, really. "

Monday, August 24, 2009

Price for a brand new MyVi?

RM 46,000 (around there la)

Full fuel tank ?


Stuck in a car with 5 idiots ?


"There are some things money can't buy,
For everything else there's Mastercard."


p.s : by 5 idiots, i meant, tsu ming, kah wai, carmelo, jun peng and yip hoong.
i'll prolly leave yip hoong outta this since he didn't say much except for laughing. that makes 4 idiotas :p

p.p.s : i almost suffered a coronary during that 40 minutes? car ride.

"thanks guys. now i know who to find whenever i feel suicidal"



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