I just created epic history.
I got a job as a part-time promoter for Antabax body wash. Its a new body wash brand so it is pretty unknown. And......
I got fired on the first day of work, *snorts* and get this, within 3 hours!!
I just got a text stating that the client wasn't satisfied with my performance hence they had to drop me.
I got fired through text. How classy...just..classy..
I can't really be blamed for it since I didn't get any formal training or even a briefing about the damn product. I just accepted the job offer after Audrey introduce it to me. I only know that I was gonna work as a promoter. What I'm gonna promote was unknown.
So anyway, I went there. The supervisor was late. He said be there by 10.30 a.m. but ILookCrazy got there at 11 a.m. which by the way, was the time Audrey and I should start work. After an hour which includes rules and attire talk and shopping for 'uniform', we started work at 12.
ILookCrazy just led me to the shelf full of Antabax products and literally abandon me there. I'm like, "great. fuck, where do I start?"
After stoning there for about an hour, I decided to just randomly approach people. This is when the trouble begins. Apparently, one of the customer was actually the company's agent. I remember Audrey telling me about how ILookCrazy told her that they might send people to check on you. I guess I was the lucky victim.
I approached the "customer" and tried to promote the product to her. Being nervous and stuttering my way through wasn't doing much good to me. I got a tiny bit frustrated and muttered something like, "I'm sorry, I'm new at this so I kinda suck at it." Partially, I felt bad too because I couldn't explain it so I was just being polite, trying to apologize for my lack of "skills"
She came back about half an hour later, telling me what I said was wrong and bla bla bla. I apologized and said I didn't get formal training and all and she looked surprised. So I was like, "er..yeeeah.."
Among the 'little' mistakes I made is that..I can't lie to the customers. Especially when they ask me if the product is nice to use or not. I took ages to think of an answer. All that came up was, "I am not sure. Its a new brand with a new formula so it should be good"
*insert buzzer sound* BIG MISTAKE! my bad ;p
Besides, what kinda god for saken marketing strategy is that to put an UNKNOWN brand in between, not one, but TWO well-known brand such as DETTOL and LIFEBUOY!
Yeah, I was promoting the body wash, standing in between shelves of Lifebuoy and Dettol.
Honestly speaking, I BATH USING DETTOL. I'm a Dettol consumer.
I swear to god, if you asked me to promote Dettol, I could do it with ease. Just like that! *snaps finger* But from what I see, Dettol doesn't need a promoter. People are just attracted to it. Without a word said. They grab and leave.
Jumping to the ending, I got the text when I went for my break.
Instead of feeling sorry for my epic failure, I laughed until my jaw hurt because,
believe it or not........
The thought of having to stand there, literally lifeless, for another 4 hours wasn't enticing at all. IT WAS AGONIZING! Pure torture I would say >"<
p.s : funniest moment was, I pronounce 'Antabax' as 'Abatrax'
p.p.s : it is not something i'm proud of. it wasn't an easy job. dealing with strangers. but i just thought it was funny to blog about it :p
p.p.p.s : come to think of it. the whole point was to promote an unknown brand to make it known. i guess my rant was pretty aimless.
oopsie sorry :p
samantha ♥
I got a job as a part-time promoter for Antabax body wash. Its a new body wash brand so it is pretty unknown. And......
I got fired on the first day of work, *snorts* and get this, within 3 hours!!
I just got a text stating that the client wasn't satisfied with my performance hence they had to drop me.
I got fired through text. How classy...just..classy..
I can't really be blamed for it since I didn't get any formal training or even a briefing about the damn product. I just accepted the job offer after Audrey introduce it to me. I only know that I was gonna work as a promoter. What I'm gonna promote was unknown.
So anyway, I went there. The supervisor was late. He said be there by 10.30 a.m. but ILookCrazy got there at 11 a.m. which by the way, was the time Audrey and I should start work. After an hour which includes rules and attire talk and shopping for 'uniform', we started work at 12.
ILookCrazy just led me to the shelf full of Antabax products and literally abandon me there. I'm like, "great. fuck, where do I start?"
After stoning there for about an hour, I decided to just randomly approach people. This is when the trouble begins. Apparently, one of the customer was actually the company's agent. I remember Audrey telling me about how ILookCrazy told her that they might send people to check on you. I guess I was the lucky victim.
I approached the "customer" and tried to promote the product to her. Being nervous and stuttering my way through wasn't doing much good to me. I got a tiny bit frustrated and muttered something like, "I'm sorry, I'm new at this so I kinda suck at it." Partially, I felt bad too because I couldn't explain it so I was just being polite, trying to apologize for my lack of "skills"
She came back about half an hour later, telling me what I said was wrong and bla bla bla. I apologized and said I didn't get formal training and all and she looked surprised. So I was like, "er..yeeeah.."
Among the 'little' mistakes I made is that..I can't lie to the customers. Especially when they ask me if the product is nice to use or not. I took ages to think of an answer. All that came up was, "I am not sure. Its a new brand with a new formula so it should be good"
*insert buzzer sound* BIG MISTAKE! my bad ;p
Besides, what kinda god for saken marketing strategy is that to put an UNKNOWN brand in between, not one, but TWO well-known brand such as DETTOL and LIFEBUOY!
Yeah, I was promoting the body wash, standing in between shelves of Lifebuoy and Dettol.
Honestly speaking, I BATH USING DETTOL. I'm a Dettol consumer.
I swear to god, if you asked me to promote Dettol, I could do it with ease. Just like that! *snaps finger* But from what I see, Dettol doesn't need a promoter. People are just attracted to it. Without a word said. They grab and leave.
Jumping to the ending, I got the text when I went for my break.
Instead of feeling sorry for my epic failure, I laughed until my jaw hurt because,
believe it or not........
The thought of having to stand there, literally lifeless, for another 4 hours wasn't enticing at all. IT WAS AGONIZING! Pure torture I would say >"<
p.s : funniest moment was, I pronounce 'Antabax' as 'Abatrax'
p.p.s : it is not something i'm proud of. it wasn't an easy job. dealing with strangers. but i just thought it was funny to blog about it :p
p.p.p.s : come to think of it. the whole point was to promote an unknown brand to make it known. i guess my rant was pretty aimless.
oopsie sorry :p
samantha ♥
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