♥ Dreamer says...

" The key to beauty is always to be looking at someone who loves you, really. "

Monday, July 13, 2009

Just a short update. I have last minute assignment work to keep up with.

00 Night was alright. Thanks to my "date" ;] hahaha
I owe you big time! having you sit through the boring event with me.
I still haven't wash my hair. eeeek! it's tied into a seashell-ish shape. very elegant~
Took me 10 minutes to explain the style that I want to the hairstylist.
I didn't know what this kinda hairstyle was called >_<
I told them I wanna twist my hair up side ways and they were like "okay." and started taking out all the hair curling equipment and I said, "no no no, i'm not curling my hair. I wanna tie it"

Seems slightly easy to understand but imagine me trying to convey my messages in CANTONESE! XD

In the end, I just pointed out the style that I want from this magazine. Thanks to fast thinking. I remember that Hollywood starlets usually go for that kinda simple yet elegant hairdo. lol

Pictures will be up as soon as I get them from Li Anne.

p.s : the hairstyle is called "louh" (sounds like "law" when you pronounce it) in cantonese ^^ which literally translates into seashell.


1 twinkling stars:

Anonymous said...

sounds like fun! xD

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