♥ Dreamer says...

" The key to beauty is always to be looking at someone who loves you, really. "

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Blogging on a lazy afternoonie~

Uncle Andy called last night. He's not really an uncle but I love to tease him.
He's no easy push over either because he has a pretty sharp tongue too.
Its pretty fun to bicker with Einsteine here because he kept saying how he can take me down in the battle of words but I still don't buy it.

Andy, if you're reading this..


silly. lol

I just realize that I randomly blog about people but I haven't given them any introduction. I'll start on that soon. But for now, I'll let them stay "annoy-nymous". LOL

OO Night is tomorrow! I heard that it is uber boring stuff but I don't really believe it unless I experience the extreme boredom first-hand me self.


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