There's a lot of pictures that I've meant to post up and blog about but laziness got the best of me.
Not gonna deny that.
I'll prolly blog about it after my semester break comes along.
Just keeping the suspense. (though it is nothing much)
In the mean time, I'll be taking a break from blogging due to my upcoming finals.
I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before but my first paper (English) officially commence this Thursday.
Sad thing is, I can't take exams lightly anymore since it involves my folks, forking out extra cash to pay for each of my failure *touch wood touch wood*
So....wish me luck !
Though I won't be blogging, but I still reply messages. So drop a word or two in my chatbox. I'll definitely reply when I'm taking a break from nerd-ing or when I feel suicidal from reading too much.
I think Twitter comes in handy this time around. I haven't really get use to the art of twitting. Perhaps I should turn it into one of my muse since I won't have time to blog...
It is settled then!
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samantha ♥
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