I was surfing around FFS (an application in Facebook) today and came across a few profiles, dedicating a small section to this girl who passed away.
So that got my curiousity running and I clicked around, hopping from one profile to another and finally found one guy who posted a link to this group they made in Facebook, dedicated to her. Her absence was a recent thing. She passed away 2 months ago.
Her story goes like this..
(taken from the facebook site set up in memory of her)
She was diagnosed with brain tumour last October, doctor said she has about 6 months if left untreated. Theres an operation she could take up but it will only prolong her lifespan not cure it, and even so the chance of surviving the op was slim and she'd have to be on therapy and suffer memory loss afterwards. She decided not to take it.
Thats a pretty brave decision if you ask me.
Anyway, I read a few testimony dedicated to her from her friends. It was pretty heart wrenching to read those testimonials. Mostly of sweet memories they had shared with her. Though I'm not a close acquiantance, nor do I know her personally, but I actually felt sad..close to tears even.
Then all these made me think about how life is precious. Like, how there are people out there somewhere who would give anything, just to have another day, perhaps even a minute to stay alive.
Realization dawned to me, about how I once took life for granted (moment of insanity). I could've ended up like her but under different circumstances. Though it is not something as serious as some of you might be thinking now, but I probably could have done worse. Thank god I didn't.
The thought of it makes me feel guilty...
This post prolly sounds cliche but its the thought that gets you. If you would've seen it, you'd prolly feel the same and maybe blog about it *shrugs*
Either way, she's in a better place now, I suppose. No more suffering. Bless her soul :]
samantha ♥
So that got my curiousity running and I clicked around, hopping from one profile to another and finally found one guy who posted a link to this group they made in Facebook, dedicated to her. Her absence was a recent thing. She passed away 2 months ago.
Her story goes like this..
(taken from the facebook site set up in memory of her)
She was diagnosed with brain tumour last October, doctor said she has about 6 months if left untreated. Theres an operation she could take up but it will only prolong her lifespan not cure it, and even so the chance of surviving the op was slim and she'd have to be on therapy and suffer memory loss afterwards. She decided not to take it.
Thats a pretty brave decision if you ask me.
Anyway, I read a few testimony dedicated to her from her friends. It was pretty heart wrenching to read those testimonials. Mostly of sweet memories they had shared with her. Though I'm not a close acquiantance, nor do I know her personally, but I actually felt sad..close to tears even.
Then all these made me think about how life is precious. Like, how there are people out there somewhere who would give anything, just to have another day, perhaps even a minute to stay alive.
Realization dawned to me, about how I once took life for granted (moment of insanity). I could've ended up like her but under different circumstances. Though it is not something as serious as some of you might be thinking now, but I probably could have done worse. Thank god I didn't.
The thought of it makes me feel guilty...
This post prolly sounds cliche but its the thought that gets you. If you would've seen it, you'd prolly feel the same and maybe blog about it *shrugs*
Either way, she's in a better place now, I suppose. No more suffering. Bless her soul :]
samantha ♥
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