♥ Dreamer says...

" The key to beauty is always to be looking at someone who loves you, really. "

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Good Moooorning!!

Its 9.04 a.m. at the moment. Had a loooong sleep to make up for the loss of sleeping hours. Well, not really. That is an excuse. But I slept from
4pm - 11pm
woke up. had dinner for a bit. then online for an hour or so.
plop on bed and doze of 'till 8.43 a.m. (according to my cell phone)


Class doesn't start 'till 4.30 p.m.

Yesterday Ash taught me how to reformat my bloody-virus-infected phone. The price I have to pay is that it will wipe out EVERY single text I've saved. Well, in a way it helps. Like, there are texts that I've meant or rather should have deleted but didn't have the heart to..
and then there are the birthday texts I got for my 18th birthday. I don't wanna lose those!

Is there a way to reformat my memory card without having to lose my precious text messages??

On a random note, I had a dream about Michael Jackson o.o


I spoke to his spirit. Yeah, he's dead in my dream. Its just that his annoying spirit haunts this castle that I'M STAYING. oh oh, here comes the retarded part.

HIS MOM IS QUEEN ELIZABETH!! she's a ghost too in my dream.
just like MJ =.=

double the WTF-NESS!!

So yeah, in a way, it was a nice dream. The scenery outside the castle is absolutely breath taking. A single stone path seperates 2 gorgeous ocean in purple-ish hue. At night the tree light deco lights up. The garden is like a mini hide out for pixie. It has this..glow. Like a dreamy glow. How I wish it was real.

I'll try to paint it if I can still remember the scene. But I suppose my horrible painting skills will fail me. bleh

Just to top off the wtf-ness of randomnosity, there is a PETRONAS station right next to the castle.



0 twinkling stars:

Header image by sabrinaeras @ Flickr