♥ Dreamer says...

" The key to beauty is always to be looking at someone who loves you, really. "

Sunday, July 26, 2009

I'm doooooooooom!

I know that I should be studying..
but decided to check out my college website for certain reasons.
One thing led to another...and I ended up on facebook
playing Sushi No Suki for the past one hour.

Sei mou?!!


God forbid that, I sweeeear! but...being the sucker that I am, how can I resist?

doooooowh darn it!!! >"<


2 twinkling stars:

Y.L said...

LOL. That happens to me all the time. I was studying or doing homework. Then I suddenly feel like, let's check e-mail, only checking e-mails, no facebook or anything. Then I'd log on to messengers and started to chat. Then when I see e-mails from Facebook, I'll log on Facebook and check out photos, comments, games...ect. Then my night would be finished without any homework done.

Samantha said...

conclusion, internet is totally bad ass....LOL!!!

Header image by sabrinaeras @ Flickr