Class starts at 4.30pm today. So I decided to make PussyFei's bloggy layout. And here is the result.
Too green? lol
Wanted to put "whisper sex to my ears" but PussyFei would prolly nut my head
On a random note,
This have been a long overdue freedom declaration so here goes..
I'm freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
No more exams. No more presentations (i hope) and semester break is nearing!!!
I'm also looking forward to a Friday trip to Sekeping Serendah somewhere along my sem. break with EmoBunny, PussyFei, CrazyAnne, MommaHanz.
Guys, pick a date quick!! I say, 28th August. Thoughts??
In case you're wondering what is it like. Here's 2 piccies I grabbed from the website.

It's a glass shed. That's the one we're spending our night in. Close to naturee~!
(self reminder : bring mosquito repellent spray)
Time to go get ready for college >.<
samantha ♥
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